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Health and Safety Policy


Policy Statement

Moder Dy CIC is committed to ensuring the health, safety and welfare of its employees and volunteers so far as is reasonably practicable. We also fully accept our responsibility for others who may be affected by our activities, such as contractors, visitors and members of the public. We will take steps to ensure that our statutory duties are met at all times. Each employee or volunteer will be given such information, instruction and training as is necessary to ensure that they can carry out their work tasks safely.


It is the duty of Moder Dy CIC to ensure that all processes and systems of work are designed to take account of health and safety and are properly supervised at all times. Adequate facilities and arrangements will be  maintained to enable employees and their representatives to raise issues of health and safety.Competent people will be appointed to assist us in meeting our statutory duties including, where appropriate, specialists from outside the organisation.


Every employee or volunteer must co-operate with us to enable all statutory duties to be complied with. The successful implementation of this policy requires total commitment from all levels of employee, throughout the organisation.  Everyone has a legal obligation to take reasonable care for their own health and safety, and for the safety of other people who may be affected by their acts or omissions. Full details of the organisation and arrangements for health and safety will be set out in separate documents.

This policy will be regularly monitored to ensure that the objectives are achieved. It will be reviewed and, if necessary, revised in the light of any legislative or organisational changes.


1.0 Introduction

The focus of this health and safety policy is ensure that people take care of themselves and others around them. Moder Dy CIC will provide the support for this to happen.  This means that all employees and volunteers, whatever capacity they are working within are responsible for themselves, and others they may be working with and around.


2.0 Moder Dy Managers and Supervisors Duties of Care

Managers and supervisors will contribute to the continual improvement of our health and safety culture, through safe workplace behaviours.


2.1 Communicate and promote all aspects of health and safety within their respective businesses and areas of control.


2.2 Ensure employees and volunteers within their areas attend appropriate health and safety training.


2.3 Assign appropriate levels of health and safety accountability and cascading these accountabilities throughout their organisation.


2.4 Ensure that managers and supervisors within their areas fulfil their Health and Safety responsibilities as outlined below.


2.5 Promote a safe working environment and for safe working practices through appropriate safe systems of work, safe equipment materials, good housekeeping, and leading by example, through their own safe behaviours.


2.6 Ensure safe materials, equipment, working conditions and systems are maintained through appropriate inspection, audit, maintenance and investment.


2.7 Ensure risk assessments are in place and accessible for all significant hazards and the implementation of preventive and protective measures, to eliminate or control the risks to acceptable levels.


2.8 Ensure all staff under their control receive appropriate Health and Safety training on commencement of employment, transfer or a change in responsibilities, and on the introduction of new equipment, technology or systems of work, where changes can affect the risks to health and safety. This includes refresher training to maintain current knowledge levels, which is carried out at appropriate intervals.


2.9 Ensure all required PPE and training in its correct use is provided.


2.10 Identify hazards and assess, control, monitor and review risks through a risk assessment process, including matters relating to work-related road safety. Ensure that appropriate corrective action measures are in place and implemented.


2.11 Ensure timely investigation and reporting of accidents and near miss incidents and escalating any shortcomings in health and safety related procedures, equipment or working conditions to line management.


3.0 Employee and volunteer duties of care

3.1 Ensure that they are aware of any risk assessment and safe system of work developed for any task or activity that they undertake.


3.2 Ensure that they adopt and fully comply with any safe system of work developed for any task or activity.


3.3 Use the correct equipment for the task, including safety equipment and protective clothing as necessary.


3.4 Keep equipment in a good and safe condition.


3.5 Report any shortcomings or difficulties which arise as a consequence of adopting any safe system of work.


3.6 Ensure that no changes are made to such a safe system of work unless properly agreed with their line manager.


3.7 Report to their line manager  or supervisor any defects in equipment of which they become aware.


3.8 Co-operate in the investigation of any accidents and near misses.


3.9 Comply with the Company Health and Safety Rules and any site-specific health and safety rules contained within the health and safety plan for all sites at which they may attend.


3.10 Set a personal example to other personnel on site.


4.0 Accidents, Incidents and Reporting under RIDDOR

4.1 All accidents, incidents or near misses, however trivial they may appear must be recorded and reported to their line manager who must ensure the Directors is informed as soon as is practicable.


4.2 Moder Dy CIC  will maintain and hold all documentation for accidents, near misses, dangerous occurrences and notifiable diseases and conditions.


4.3 Duplicates of accident reports will be sent to site management and the appropriate body for which the work is carried out.


4.4 When working on site any site-specific recording / reporting requirements must also be adhered to.


4.5 The Directors has the responsibility for ensuring that where a report is required under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) that this is carried out within the appropriate time scale. 


4.6 Where Moder Dy CIC employees are contracted to provide services for an external client the person in control of the premises is responsible for reporting any RIDDOR reportable accidents.


In this instance the Directors will liaise with the client to ensure this has been done and that a printed copy of the RIDDOR report is obtained for Moder Dy CIC records.


4.7 All incidents can be reported online at


4.8 Accidents that must be reported to the Health and Safety Executive:


Death of any person - all deaths to workers and non-workers, with the exception of suicides, must be reported if they arise from a work-related accident, including an act of physical violence to a worker.


This must be reported without delay and can be reported by phone, details can be found at


Specified Injuries - full details on more serious injuries to employees or self-employed persons that are legally reportable can be found at 


This report must be made as soon as the specified injury is confirmed.


Seven Day incapacity - where an employee or self-employed person is absent from work, or unable to perform their normal work duties, for more than seven consecutive days as the result of their injury. 


The report must be made within 15 days of the accident.


4.9 A proportionate investigation into all accidents will be undertaken by Dr Marc Chivers or whomever he delegates to do so.


4.10 All accidents will be considered health and safety ‘failures’ with lessons to be learned from them. 


5.0 First Aid Facilities

5.1 To comply with the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations , company premises and vehicles will be supplied with appropriate first aid equipment.


5.2 Where an employee or volunteer is working at a site other than our own, where applicable, arrangements will be made for site first aid facilities to be made available to our employee.


5.3 The names of those persons trained and appropriately qualified in first aid will be displayed within Company premises and where applicable on each site.


5.4 In the absence of trained first aiders the Moder Dy CIC will nominate an ‘Appointed Person’ responsible for taking charge of emergency first-aid equipment and facilities, to replace missing or defective items and to summon assistance if required. This person will ordinarily be the appropriate manager.


6.0 Welfare

6.1 Moder Dy CIC undertakes to ensure that suitable welfare provision is made at all workplaces in accordance with its statutory obligations and industry good practice, whether such premises or workplaces are under Company control or under the control of clients or others. If there is significant Health and Safety Risk at any time, the employee must leave the site.


7.0 Safety Rules

7.1 Moder Dy CIC Safety Rules are designed to provide basic guidance for safe operating practices and procedures that form the Company Policy and must be strictly adhered to by all employees and contractors working on Company premises and sites.


8.0 Work Equipment

8.1 Moder Dy CIC will ensure that all users of products and articles supplied or hired for use at work are provided with relevant health and safety information.


8.1 All electrical equipment must be bought new, so that its safety can be guaranteed.


8.2 All equipment is to be replaced immediately should it start to show signs of wear and tear.


8.3 It is the responsibility of the appropriate manager to ensure all work equipment hired or purchased for use by our employees is suitable for the purpose for which it is to be used and that employees have received appropriate information, instruction and training.


8.4 Employees and volunteers are responsible for ensuring that any defects likely to affect personal safety or health are reported immediately to their line manager.


8.5 Employees and volunteers are required to carry out a visual inspection of equipment before use to ascertain that it is in good repair and appropriate for the task.


8.6 The appropriate manager will ensure that arrangements are in place so that all work equipment is properly maintained and that records of servicing, inspection, calibration, and statutory tests/examinations are completed and available. 


8.7 Employees must not use electrical equipment where evidence of testing cannot be provided whether it be their own, or that belonging to a site they are working at.


9.0 General Hazards, Risk Assessment and Controls

9.1 The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations and other Regulations require that risk assessments are required to be carried out by employers and that the significant findings from the assessments are brought to the attention of those at risk.


9.2 At the planning stage of work projects, the appropriate manager will, identify the foreseeable hazards associated with the tasks to be undertaken, many of which will be generic in nature.


9.3 Once identified site specific hazards will be eliminated or reduced to tolerable levels by developing safety control measures commensurate with the requirements of regulations and best practice.  Such assessments are to be communicated to employees and where appropriate to sub-contractors.


9.4 Appropriate training will be given to employees where the risk assessment identifies a need.


9.5 The appropriate manager will ensure that any equipment, hygiene and welfare facilities, protective clothing and equipment specified in risk assessments are present at the relevant location before tasks are carried out.


10. Display Screen Equipment (DSE)

10.1 The Office Manager will ensure that users of DSE undertake workstation assessments at least annually, or more frequently should circumstances require, such as the installation of new equipment or reorganisation of the workplace


10.2 Users of DSE will be given appropriate training to minimise any risks identified in the risk assessment.  They will be provided with guidance on correct use of the equipment and advised of the reporting procedure should problems develop


11. Manual Handling Operations

11.1 Manual handling operations will be avoided wherever practicable and by automating or mechanising handling wherever possible.



Policy approved on 18.11.24 by Dr Marc Chivers and Dr Esther Renwick

Policy to be reviewed annually

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